江苏省海门中学外语组 倪彬
高中英语教学应注重培养学生的批判性思维能力( 教育部,2003)。教师针对阅读文本首先依据作者选取的相关事实,理出一条线索,从而引导学生揣摩作者的写作意图,对事物的态度和价值观,然后着重引导学生运用预测,分析,质疑,推断,批判等思维的方法去解读文本,从而达到对阅读材料的深刻理解(潘云梅,2011)。本文以我校百花奖课题M6U4project 为例,探讨在阅读教学中评判性阅读能力的培养。
Step 1. 教师课间播放Doctors without borders 的视频,激活学生思维和去帮助他人的情感
T: We will learn a passage .It’s not a speech, not an argument, not a diary, but….
S1:It’s a diary.
T: Well done. As a diary, is it written in the first person, second person or the third person?
S2: The first person
T: Is the language formal or informal?
S3: informal
T: What are the necessary two parts of a diary?
S4: Experience and Feelings
( 设计意图:让学生通过日记人称和语言风格及内容的探讨,激发情绪,对接下来的要读的日记充满阅读期待。)
T:We will learn a special diary written by a nurse who works for Doctors Without Borders.
In the break time, we have seen something about doctors Doctors Without Borders.
What do you Observe , Wonder and Infer?
S: The doctors and nurses work with lots of difficulty.
T: Can you predict what experiences or problems will be talked about in the diary
S: …..
T: You are good predictors. It’s time to check your prediction
( 设计意图:导入应该考虑学生的认知能力,生活阅历和事件的社会关注度。本节课以Doctors without Borders 为切入点,激活学生观察力,想象力,和预测能力,能帮助学生更好地理解接下来的文本。)
二 获取信息,批判阅读,培养学生分析,质疑,和推断的能力
Step1.Reading for a gist
T: If you read for a gist, what reading strategy should be used?
S: Skimming
T: Are you supposed to read it aloud or silently? Are you supposed to read it fast or slowly?
S: Read it silently and fast
T: Here we go
S: The text is about the MSF nurse’s experiences and feelings while she is working on the Doctors Without Borders.
T: Where can you find the summary?
S: The last paragraph usually functions as conclusion, which highlights the theme of the passage.
( 设计意图:通过checking questions 指导学生运用快读策略把握文章总体框架和主旨)
Step2. Reading for information and critical thinking.
T: Obviously , as you know, most of the passage tells us her experiences and problems .Why not figure them out?
板书:fields and harvest were destroyed /lack of food/malnutrition
T: You can use the information from the diary ,you can use the key words to summarize it or you can paraphrase it in your own words.
T: One student one point .Report the problems she met with in the experience.
Ss: no regular medicine/cut and wound/no shelter, food and clean water/language barrier/death……
( 设计意图:这一教学步骤让学生查找信息同时,加上自己的归纳和判断,同时兼顾不同基础提出了不同要求:可以运用原文,也可以用关键词 ,也可以用自己语言转述。便于激发每位学生阅读兴趣。)
T: Put the problems and experiences into different categories.(Group work)
学生边讲教师板书:tough weather/heath problems/food conflict/language barrier/the death
( 设计意图:这一步骤难度递进,目的是用核心词归纳出各段的主旨,但教师没有直接说,学生小组合作,水到渠成完成任务,提高了提炼信息和批判性思维能力。)
T: You did a good job. You have a good understanding of the passage. How can you know it so well? What writing skills are used?
Ss: vivid description ,comparison ,examples……
( 设计意图:让学生自主归纳写作手法,为后面输出打下伏笔。)
T: Is there something impressive/shocking/surprising
Read between lines
Example: My acting skills are very good, so I can still communicate with people ,even when there is a language barrier and no interpreter around----(Gesture/Sign/Body language is a universal language)
S1:If reminded me of my time in Sudan, where several Doctors without borders staff were attacked as people tried to get the food.---- Hunger is a threat to peace/harmony.
S2:I am finding that my job is not limited to being a nurse. It is being a person who can listen to and comfort them.-----Sharing their voices /feelings and keeping them company are of great help.
( 设计意图:这一步骤对学生的概括和批判性思维要求很高,激发学生转述文章的表达,同时分享阅读感受,润物细无声,其实培养江苏省高考任务型阅读的能力。)
T: What do you think of her experiences?
S: exciting, challenging ,risky, adventurous
T: As a whole ,it is a demanding job
T: What does she think of her experiences?
S: We can tell she became grateful ,mature and tolerant
T: So ,we can see it is a rewarding job from a different angle.
( 设计意图:从阅读策略的训练过渡到情感价值观的审视。)
T: What qualities are needed for the job
S: determination ,bravey ,flexible ,warm-hearted ,devoted……
T: It is love that can see us through problems and difficulties.
( 设计意图:自然过渡,进一步主题升华)
三 精讲点拨,迁移运用
PPT: l-listen with ears, O-observe with eyes, V-value with hearts. E-Express with actions.
T: Now, to help or not to help ,it is not a question. Are you ready to take action. Doctors without borders is too far away from us. Why not make a difference to others in our daily life?
PPT: Action plan—share your love –make a difference to ___
Who/ problems /actions/Feelings
教师用诗歌欣赏总结: We help, although it is not easy.
We help, although some people doubt.
We help, although we won’t get results.
We help, because it is what makes us human
We help, because it is what makes the world better.
We help ,because……
( 设计意图:学以致用,交流展示,矫正反馈,深度拓展)
Step4.Homwork: 1.Write your action plan and email it to me2.Surf the Internet to know more about doctors without borders.
T: Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day! I am looking forward to your coming email.